Becoming Fire Boudoir | Detroit Boudoir Photographer

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Instagram Shadow Ban's Boudoir Photographer's

Instagram’s shadow ban on boudoir photographers is starting to get really out of control… What’s a shadow ban? it’s an unofficial ban that restricts an account's visibility (in users' feeds, Stories, Explore pages etc.), negatively affecting reach. It can happen when an account posts sensitive content or enters a gray area of the platform's Community Guidelines.

What’s wild is the guidelines are pretty clear, and I don’t think there is really a “grey area.” If there was truly one, they could easily clear that up and make it black and white. I could speculate all day as to why Instagram is doing this and never reach a conclusion. I come across plenty of accounts that post similar or more explicit images than I do and the growth of their accounts isn’t stunted. I wonder if it has something to do with the way the monetization is setup?

Either way, it’s getting absurd…

I checked my account status this morning and no surprise that a few more of my images got flagged, whats worse is that even if I take them down, they will flag another image or more within a week. If you’re a boudoir photographer, you really can’t win. What took the cake and led me to even write a blog about this topic is the fact I got flagged for words in my bio… The only word in my bio that could have possibly flagged the system is the word “boudoir” Which makes me wonder a few different things. Are they trying to alienate boudoir photographers from the site? Why don’t they just change the rules altogether? Do they know if they push us out altogether there will be a massive drop in their user base?

I am getting a little disheartened with the platform as a whole. I don’t want to continue using it if I cannot reach my target clients (who are definitely looking for me on Instagram.) I could post all day and all night and maybe reach 10 potential clients a year?

Luckily that’s not my only way of getting clients, but it use to be a pretty awesome way to interact with potential future ones. I enjoy building trust and listening to the community, it’s really a shame Instagram doesn’t feel the same.

What’s really so taboo about lingerie V.S. Bikinis? Most of what I post to the platform is pretty tame, so I am just baffled!

If your reach seems to have tanked and you want to know if there is anything stopping you from reaching clients. Go to SETTINGS & PRIVACY > ACCOUNT STATUS > “WHAT CANT BE RECOMMENDED” You can either appeal the decision or delete whatever you have flagged.

What’s even worse is my original account got deleted back in November of 2019 with over 4000 followers and I’ve been running my backup account since then. I’ve grown the page from 800 - 1200 in three years… If that’s not saying something, I don’t know what is…

That’s the end of my rant, be safe out there, and good luck!