Boudoir Is Not Porn!!!
It's wild to me that I even have to even explain this in 2022... But I am starting to get a little aggravated/ heated from people's perception of my art (boudoir photography) and what it stands for. If you grew up in a conservative household, you might be shocked by what I share and you might even call it Porn. At first I was really angry with responses of this nature, but I guess... "If you are vanilla, just say that."
“I personally think this clip of recent work I did just had enough shock factor to warrant an absurd retort.”
I’m not even mad, just annoyed with society ah a whole…
Some education for you who wanna look down on the art form... The purpose of boudoir is meant to EMPOWER others. Not only by doing a session can you feel empowered, but also by seeing someone else being brave enough to be vulnerable and strong. Own who you are in every aspect! For those of you fearing this kind of response, I hope I can advocate for you. Embrace your boldness, confidence, and love for yourself and others. Empower others to own that body confidence and live with self love. “Live unapologetically bold and fearlessly. Take risks, chase dreams, and live life today. Because tomorrow isn't promised.”
Embrace your SEXUALITY, don’t minimize and hide it because society has taught you its unacceptable to feel or be sexy. There is power in sex confidence, its natural. What crazy is it’s not even all about sex, its about feeling comfortable in our own skin and expressing ourselves.
Don’t let others devalue or take away what makes you feel strong… What makes you feel, YOU!