Volpe E La Luna
“Hello everyone and welcome to Volpe E La Luna’s temporary home. I hope you stay awhile and check out some of my art.”
Want to collaborate on a future art project with me? Here are some upcoming ideas I need “models” for:
LIPS (this project focuses on lips & hands.)
PARTS (this project focuses on body parts such as collar bone, shoulders, hips, hands, and eyes.)
EYES (this project focuses on half faces and eyes.)
WATER (this project focuses on the fluidity of images taken in water.)
SPRING (this project focuses on flowers, leaves, and faces.)
FLOW (this project focuses on the softness and flow of fabrics.)
ADVENTURE (this project focuses on adventuring into areas “off the beaten path” and the juxtaposition of art by clashing against the norm of “what should be.”)
RE-CREATE (this project focuses on recreating famous paintings.)